PROMS wording
It was reported by our users that because the survey previously said "in the last 7 days" and comes out 7 days after surgery patients were basing their answers on directly after surgery.
We wanted to reword the questions to change the timeframe on all survey questions.
Changed wording from “last 7 days” to “last couple of days” in the domains FATIGUE, PAIN INTERFERENCE, PAIN INTENSITY.
CQUIP reports
A user reported that their CQUIP reports were not calculating correctly, giving them much lower percentages than expected.
It was discovered that the CQUIP report was including "to be completed" and blank values. Once we excluded the "to be completed" and blank values from the denominator we got a much more accurate and predicted calculation.
excluded the "to be completed" and blank values, reports now accurate
Dashboard vs Insights record colours
It was reported by a user that there was inconsistent colouring of records depending where they were looking in SurgicalPerformance. Records on the dashboard were coming up red - indicating a draft record, but within the module they were white indicating complete records. The records were in fact complete.
corrected the inconsistent colour display
Line chart on Dashboard (dates)
A user asked a question about PRA points and if they were calculated based on date of entry into SurgicalPerformance or date of surgery/delivery. The PRA calculator is based on date of surgery/delivery. But it was discovered that the line chart on the dashboard was actually being calculated by date of entry into SurgicalPerformance.
The line chart is now based on date of surgery/delivery.
Bug in Obstetrics maternal outcomes dropdown menu
It was reported by a user that every time they entered a record for obstetrics they were unable to scroll/click/see anything beyond "blood transfusion (any)" in the maternal outcomes.
a bug was identified and fixed.
For full release notes about updates in the gynaecology module click here:
For full release notes about updates in the obstetrics module click here: