In order to review outcomes or reports you need to have registered a valid institution/location and all mandatory data fields (highlighted in RED) need to be complete.ย
There are multiple different reports and filters that can be applied to sift through your SurgicalPerformance data. To view the exact number of cases for specific surgeries at a glance:
1. Procedures
Under the 'Procedures' tab you are able to generate exact case numbers for specific surgeries. Results can be filtered by date and locations and are displayed in a graph as pictured with your data in comparison to other users. If you scroll down to the bottom of page you'll see a list of all the cases entered for the specific procedure you are searching.
NOTE: you cannot edit the cases from this list, you must go into the 'cases' to view/edit entered cases.
Under the 'PROMS' tab you'll find various graphs and tables outlining your PROMS results, PROMS Surveys and Average Patient Satisfaction Score. Again, you can specifically search for PROMS results from specific surgeries, locations and dates. And as mentioned above, at the bottom of the page there is a list of cases that will appear but you are not able to edit these cases.
3. Outcomes
The Outcome reports allows you to generate graphs and tables about specific surgical outcomes/complications with further filters of isolating certain outcomes to specific surgeries only or dates or locations.
4. Patients
Under patients you can view graphs on patients ages, BMI, Co-morbidities and ASA.
5. CPD
The CPD reports is an excellent tool that SurgicalPerformance have integrated to allow you to capture the progression of your CPD hours inline with the RANZCOG 2024 rules.
6. Advanced
The advanced reports allows for that one extra step of specificity. For example, you want a percentage of how many ASMR Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 resection of endometriosis procedures you have performed.
The most specific and in depth analysis of your can be done by exporting all of your raw data into an excel document where you can then filter and graph anything you wish.
Here is a guide to help you with this: