1. Click on Add case
2. Click on the speciality in which you would like to enter a case
3. Enter the required information in the first part of the landing page
All the fields in red are mandatory fields in order to generate a completed record.
Patient Identifier - Do not use patient names, use de-identified data to protect patient details.
4. Ensure 'Send survey 2 weeks after surgery' is turned on.
Date of Surgery - The first survey is sent 14 days after the procedure date; therefore the PROMS record must be submitted before this date.
Survey Request - The first survey, is automatically scheduled once a PROMS record is entered. You can also decide whether or not to send a 6 week and 6 month followup here.
Patient Details - We do require a patient name and contact number in order to send and personalise the surveys. However, once this data is entered it is stored in a separate system and cannot be viewed or exported by anyone.
5. Enter patient's name and mobile number
6. Click on Save Case